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14 things to know about SELFISH people

<><><>1. Selfish people know how to manipulate us.
In the end, with a selfish person, all situations and relationships are about them (SELF). Scheming people simply do not question themselves. Controllers, abusers and unscrupulous people do not question themselves. They always say the problem is with someone else.
Selfish people are skilled manipulators by nature and a control freak at heart. They truly believe that their way of handling a situation is the only way because it means that their needs are being met, and that’s all that matters. Manipulation is scary because people are not born with it. It  advances over time, with the devil’s help, and then is practiced to support SELF.

<><><>2. Selfish people plot and scheme against you.
This is especially true in the case of selfish people that are full-blown narcissists. A narcissist is a person who has an extreme interest in or admiration of themselves. Selfish people are manipulative and they look only to get something from you to benefit their self! SELF, ME, ME, ME! Selfish, manipulative people are really NOT interested in you EXCEPT to gain control so that you become an unwilling participant in their plans.

<><><>3. Selfish people do NOT care about others.
Selfish people have NO care, concern or compassion for other people. It is always Me, Me, Me! And IF you open your emotions to them, they may try to control you to get what they want or make you feel guilty for your feelings. If you have ever had this happen, like I have, you know what I mean . . . things like: “If you really loved me, you would never say that.” It is very hard when you love this person, but you cannot let them control you.

<><><>4. Selfish people are conceited and self-centered.
Selfish people always want to be #1 . . . but . . . the strange thing is, they ever seem satisfied even with being in that position. They also want to rub your nose in the mud. Have you ever met someone who claims that everything they say is of importance and everything that you say is not? That is one classic example of a selfish person. If someone is both completely SELF and involved and uncaring about anyone else, they probably will not be very open to you except in any way of how you can help them. I suggest to simply ignore them. Let them be how they are and do not let it affect you personally.

<><><>5. Selfish people find sharing and giving difficult.
Do you know a selfish person, but have doubts because that someone shows a caring side. I would say it is all a deceitful trick. Caring, sharing and giving are not easy for selfish people to do and those artificial actions will show through in the end! A selfish person will always want something in return for anything they do. And most likely they want everyone to know about it so that they are praised for it. To make this person furious, simply let their mock gesture of goodwill go unnoticed and do not praise them for it.

<><><>6. Selfish people ALWAYS put their own goals ahead of anyone else.
To call a person ‘selfish’ means that they never fail to put their own goals far ahead of those of other people. Selfish people NEED other people, that is why they are always so disrespectful of boundaries. Because of their cock-eyed way of thinking, they really expect people to do things for them. If or when you see this happening, do NOT give in to them, do NOT give them what they want. They are control freaks, do NOT give it to them.

<><><>7. Selfish people rarely show weakness or helplessness.
Selfish never do anything for free. They seem to fear trying something and feeling that the action did not actually help or do what they thought it would do for them. Their goal = what is  in it for me? It seems that a narcissist (a person that has extreme love and admiration of themselves), are very good in protecting themselves against risky exposure. Selfish people (narcissistic) are terrified to show weakness. They think that if they help others, they are showing weakness or internal insecurity. They do not realize that EVERYONE (all of us) have weaknesses, even them. Our weaknesses is what make us human but for a narcissistic, they THINK that they are far above everyone else and that they are close to being perfect. 

<><><>8. Selfish people will NOT accept beneficial criticism.
Selfish people CANNOT and will NOT listen to, or accept, ANY criticism that might help them. Their massive self-images simply cannot accept ANY criticism that is offered for their own good. A severely selfish person will have WRONG thoughts about what other people think or feel, and be provoked or even furious when others fail to see things their way. When a narcissist is criticized, it is clear that they are unable to show any approachability or self-control. Their only thought is that you are trying to devalue them, their work and their potential. The end result will always be the selfish person defending themselves, because it is very hard for them to say that they are wrong.

<><><>9. Selfish people really do think that they deserve everything.
Selfish people are not only characterized with being self-centered (SELF, ME, ME, ME), but also with a WRONG sense of what they are entitled to. WHY?? Because they really do expect to be rewarded . . . without doing anything. They just believe they deserve everything and that they are perfect, and maybe they believe that everything around them should be perfect. I think that events in life should happen exactly as they expect, and that life should be exactly as they imagined it. Dear one, this is a painful and impossible demand, which ends with the narcissist feeling totally dissatisfied and miserable most of the time. Selfish people seem to believe that they will always be successful because they are who they are.

<><><>10. Selfish people NEVER listen to anyone who disagrees with them.
Selfish people are usually too busy talking about themselves to listen to you! They are much too busy to have a conversation about what YOU think! Even if your conversation is constructive, and would help them, it will be taken in direct contrast to their beliefs. They will consider YOU as their enemy and that you certainly do not deserve their respect. Dear one, criticism is GOOD because it lets you learn from the thoughts of others. But a selfish person has no time to waste . . . to broaden their knowledge and grow.

<><><>11. Selfish people criticize others behind their backs.
Selfish people always prefer judgment that is easy . . . and nothing is easier than to judge a person behind their back. They are afraid to come face to face with a person who disagrees with them, so they take a coward’s way and judge them behind their back! Do they fear that they are wrong, so that they judge others from a distance? OR do they believe they are better than other people, because of the belief that are self-enhanced and have power and status?

<><><>12. Selfish people highly over-exaggerate their achievements.
Selfish people’s worst deficiency is humility. Humility is considered by our awesome God as a most precious human virtue, and is needed for us to grow as people and as social beings in our life here on Earth. BUT . . . selfish people, have huge SELF-images, and will always look for ways to stand out and overstate any of their accomplishments. Is there a way that we can change their minds? Highly unlikely! We simply must put up with them and ask our beloved Lord that we must not be like them . . . but instead, to be like JESUS!

<><><>13. Selfish people are terrified of public failure.
Selfish people dare not think of their failures. When they fail, and they shall, they either they run far and fast from the situation or blame others. A narcissist is unable to endure failure of any kind and public humiliation is considered the worst type of failure. BUT . . . when other people (us) fail, it is a whole ‘nother story. Selfish people never think twice about spouting out severe criticism when others (we) fail. They will always be the first ones to tell you: “I told you so.”  

<><><>14. Selfish people want to dominate others.
Selfish people really seek a ‘win-at-all-costs, anything-goes approach.’ Have you ever had someone call you at their convenience, NOT yours? Say 11:30 PM? Very upsetting to say the least, especially when I go to bed before 9:00 PM. That is just one of the characteristics of a selfish person ME! ME! ME! They are going to do things THEIR way! Victims of selfish people get sick of their playing BOSS! Do it MY way, or else! A narcissist distorts the truth by misinforming, over-simplifying, ridiculing and sowing doubt. Narcissists can be highly skilled at using classic elements of thought-control and being a person who has an extreme interest in themselves and who has a great admiration of themselves will try to brainwash you. If they can’t get your confidence, they will walk out of your life which would be great for you.

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Cult of Selfism Doctrines

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Cult of Selfism Is a Cult of EVIL

Cult of Selfism is Worship of SELF

How to Deal With a Selfish Person

Is America a Theocracy?

List of Morals for all People

Reasons People Seem Heartless and Indifferent

Selfishness Scriptures

Selfism is Simply and Absolutely Selfishness

Selfism Extremists Do Not Know Where to Stop

Things to Know About Selfish People

Twehty Three Selfish People Traits

WHAT Is a Sociopath?

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