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Cult of Selfism Has Flooded
America’s Churches

Christians should have demonstrated the power of God’s love, truth and tolerance by following Jesus’ example of compassion . . . and then telling people WHO Jesus is and WHAT He can do!  Christians are losing battles everywhere . . . in legal courts and in the court of public opinion.

Because of so many Selfism victories, most churches have submitted and reshaped their own rules to conform to Selfism. There are several words no longer heard in Christian Churches any more! Many churches have gone over to using SELFISM terms: Victory, Healer, Comforter, Deliverer, Power, Joy.
Churches have pretty much stopped using Biblical and challenging terms such as: discipleship, sanctification, obedience, repentance, and SIN! People do NOT want to hear SELF is a sinner!
Churches have re-defined Biblical, Church-related terms: Ministry = church chores; Outreach = church advertising; Church = a place, NOT people. Some churches will stop at nothing to preserve “self” = their organization. So many pastors no longer equip each member (person) to BE the church . . . all they are interested in is to attract and retain a congregation (money for SELF)!!!   And IF they preach what people do NOT want to hear . . . they will lose their congregation!

Countless churches have become the “self” or “flesh” that sadly over-shadow the “spirit” (the Holy Spirit) who lives inside each individual member, NOT the building. John 14:16-17 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (KJV)
In other words, churches have progressed and built their own SELFIST “identity bubbles” defining their own versions of “truth”, giving up Biblical “morality” and adoptng demonic Selfist standards focused on church growth by giving in to Selfist doctrines. Today' Churches are more concerned with defending their churches’ rights against “outside” attacks instead of sending out well-trained armies of disciples to love and lead people to Christ.

The nasty Social media enables identity bubbles based on shared identity, social homophily and reliance on information from one’s online networks. Homophily comes from the Greek (homos) which means the same, common, and (philía) friendship, love) and is is an idea in sociology describing the tendency of individuals to associate and bond with similar others, such as in the proverb "birds of a feather flock together".

Symptoms included psychological distress, loneliness, social media activity, compulsive internet use, uncontrolled gambling, and risk-taking. The tendency towards identity bubbles was associated with youth, social media activity, compulsive internet use and risk-taking. Loneliness and compulsive gambling were associated with America and South Korea. Psychological distress did not seem really important. Identity bubbles are actually attractive to young people displaying excessive and risk behavior. Identity bubbles are consistent in many different cultures, but with some differences.

More on one of the Fastest Growing Religions


Bible Statements About Religion

Cult of Selfism Doctrines

Cult of Selfism Has Flooded America's Churches

Cult of Selfism Is a Cult of EVIL

Cult of Selfism is Worship of SELF

How to Deal With a Selfish Person

Is America a Theocracy?

List of Morals for all People

Reasons People Seem Heartless and Indifferent

Selfishness Scriptures

Selfism is Simply and Absolutely Selfishness

Selfism Extremists Do Not Know Where to Stop

Things to Know About Selfish People

Twehty Three Selfish People Traits

WHAT Is a Sociopath?

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The BIBLE has the answer