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America in Trouble

Roe v. Wade has been overturned by the Supreme Court! A major battle for life has been won. But, is the war over?

On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court handed down its infamous “Roe v. Wade” decision. In an instant, abortion was legalized throughout the United States, although a few states had already legalized the infanticide of unborn children.

For the past 50 years, this issue has roiled the American political landscape. Initially, the main opposition to abortion came from committed Catholics who held to the Church’s teaching on the sanctity of life. Evangelicals eventually joined the growing chorus of people horrified at the death toll of innocents being sacrificed on the altar of Choice.

Politically, Pro-Life Democrats and Pro-Abortion Republicans were part of the broad swath of ideologies represented in both parties. Today, abortion is the single most consistent determinant of party affiliation, with Republicans consistently defending life in the womb and Democrats insistent on an unfettered right to kill an unborn child.

That is not to say that every Republican is equally passionate about defending the unborn, or that every Democrat is unashamedly gleeful about the reality of abortion. When I served in the Kentucky General Assembly, I worked with other Pro-Life legislators to form the Kentucky Pro-Life Caucus and served as its founding chairman. Several of the Democrats who joined to gain political credibility in their home district refused to support Pro-Life legislation, and several Republicans who eventually controlled the levers of power also proved ambivalent when actually given the opportunity to pass Pro-Life bills.

But, over time, Kentucky did move in a committedly Pro-Life direction. Against the strong objections voiced by Kentucky’s current Democratic governor when he was the Attorney General, Kentucky now has a law on the books that immediately outlaws most abortions now that the US Supreme Court has upended Roe. Several other Conservative states have done the same.

We can rejoice that the Supreme Court has finally reversed the horrific decision handed down 49 years ago. Like previous decisions endorsing slavery and segregation, the Roe decision was based on fallacious legal and moral reasoning. America’s ability to right past wrongs is a sign of the strength of our system.

On the other hand, the outpouring of outrage over this decision is an indication of great moral confusion and rebellion against the laws of our holy God. Over 60 million children have been legally aborted in the past 50 years. At one time, that horror was hidden away as shameful. But now, advocates and politicians alike celebrate abortion. Politicians in New York cheered when disgraced Governor Andrew Cuomo signed one of the pro-abortion laws in history. He added insult to injury by lighting up the World Trade Center in pink, making a mockery of the painful death of countless baby girls and boys.

So, while we can thank God that our prayer for a victory at the Supreme Court has been realized, we should also bow our heads in collective repentance for tolerating this intolerable horror for 50 years. We must redouble our efforts to advocate for life in all 50 state legislatures because the forces of death will turn their fury to those arenas and to the political process. And, we should heighten our determination to offer love and support to young women and men who find themselves with nowhere to turn when an unplanned pregnancy seems to upend their precarious lives. Finally, we must share the good news that Jesus Christ offers forgiveness for all sins, including the horrific destruction of innocent life.

Many more battles lie ahead. Satan and his minions are raging right now, because they have fought to avoid this defeat, and because they realize their time is short.

Years ago, the people of Israel were deceived into worshipping false gods generically named Baal or sometimes referred to specifically as Molech. It was believed that Baal and Molech would be pleased by the sacrifice of children — guaranteeing fertility and prosperity in exchange. Like all Satanic lies, the great irony is that the false promise of fertility required the death of a person’s precious offspring. God was unwavering in His denunciation of this abominable practice and of those who perpetrated such evil in the land.

God will not be mocked. As you witness the rage that has ensued following the Supreme Court decision, ask yourself, “Who is being served?” Elijah challenged the people of Israel on how long they would waver between two opinions. Would they follow Baal or the LORD God? The people gathered at Mount Carmel did not answer his question (1 Kings 18:21).

That same question hangs over our society right now. We are wavering between two opinions: protecting innocent life or disdainfully quenching it out in the womb. Someday . . . very soon, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess: “The LORD, He is God; the LORD, He is God!” (1 Kings 18:39; Isa.45:23; Rom.14:11; Phil.2:10-11).

Until then, Satan will rage on. His followers also shall rage on. All those who are deceivers and those who are deceived stay on that broad dark road to HELL! Only those standing on the Solid Rock of Salvation, will not be shaken (Psalm 62:1-2). Our prayer will remain: Mat. 6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. (KJV)

And, while we wait for our soon-coming King to flood the Earth with peace and righteousness, we can cry out: 1 Cor.16:22 If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha. (KJV)
Dear one, this is a most solemn and moving closing of the whole Letter. It was intended to direct them to the great and crucial matter of religionthe love of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was no doubt intended, to turn their minds away from the subjects which had troubled them, the disputes and dissensions which had broken the church into groups, to the great question . . . did they truly love the Saviour? Do YOU truly love the Lord Jesus?

AMERICA . . . Do You KNOW the Trouble You Are In?


















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