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U.S. Border Crisis
Terrorist Siezed

On May 15, 2023, an Afghan on FBI terror watchlist was arrested entering US via Mexico! How many other terrorists have slipped through?

The U.S. Border Patrol agents apprehends undocumented migrants who have illegally crossed the U.S./Mexico border. Their job is non-stop. More than 80 foreign nationals on the FBI’s terror watchlist have been apprehended on the U.S./Mexican border trying to illegally enter the United States just since Jan 1.

Last year, the Border Patrol arrested a total of 98 foreign nationals on the terror watchlist who were unlawfully trying to enter via Mexico.

The president of the United States is NOT paying attention to the crisis on the U.S./Mexican border.

Radical Islamist terrorists from Libya, Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan and other countries in North Africa and the Middle East, seem to decide the best way to get into the United States is not by flying in, or coming in by a cruise ship, or simply driving across the border using falsified passports and other documents. They decide the best thing to do is to cross the American border with the flow of other illegal migrants, hiring drug cartels to help them.

I am deeply concerned that the Biden administration's total failure to seal the U.S.-Mexican border could lead to a total disaster. This open border policy has allowed fentanyl (synthetic opioid) to pour into our country.

The Federal Government should concentrate on developing a secure and efficient immigration system that orders in-depth screenings and background checks while providing a streamlined and fair process for those seeking lawful entry.

Biden’s open borders are not just a getaway (and give-away) to five million illegals. Human and child trafficking, and the deadliest drug crisis in our history is what America is going through . . . and it will only get worse.  

Biden’s irresponsible policy is also an open invitation to even the most wanted terrorists in the world to come to America, because they know once they are in, they will never have to leave. Dear one, America knows what’s going on and this president has only begun to be held responsible for what he has done.

AMERICA . . . Do You KNOW the Trouble You Are In?


















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