His Servants' Ministry

The BIBLE has the answer


We serve our Lord and Master willingly with faith, love, honor and gratitude.
We appreciate and thank Him for all He has done for us.



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Jesus has 7 words of praise for the church of Ephesus in Rev.2:2-3. I know thy works.” He is speaking to BELIEVERS! Works can NEVER save us, but AFTER we are saved, we WANT to do good and serve our risen Lord.

  1. “I know thy patience.” Patience is a ‘fruit of the Spirit’ (Gal.5:22). We CANNOT produce this ‘fruit’ without Him!
  2. I know you cannot tolerate evil.” They distanced themselves from evil men (2 Cor.6:17; Isa.52:11).
  3. Thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars.” They tested everyone who claimed to be an apostle; and if they were not, they asked them to leave (1 Jn.4:1-2; Acts 17:11).
  4. Thou hast borne, for my Name’s sake hast labored.” They believed in the virgin birth of Jesus, His deity, His Sacrificial Death, His Resurrection, and they preached it boldly, with many paying the price for their belief and obedience.
  5. Thou hast not fainted.” D.L. Moody once said “I grow weary in the work, but not of the work.” We all can get weary IN our labor and service for Christ; but when we become tired OF the work for our Lord, it is very sad and tragic! Christ keeps an account of the work His servants do for Him, and their service and labor shall not be in vain.

But, our Lord has more to say to this church. Rev. 2:4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. [KJV]

Jesus told them: I have one thing against you. You don't love me or each other as you did at first! Jesus now states His condemnation against this church. They had left their first love. Paul had once praised the church at Ephesus for its love for God and others (Eph. 1:15), but many of the church founders had died, and many of the second-generation believers had lost their zeal for God. They were a busy church . . . the members did much to benefit themselves and the community . . . BUT what they were doing was for the WRONG reason. Any and all work we do for God must be motivated by love for God or it will NOT last. The sin Christ charged this church with is having lost the fervent love it once had. Christ is greatly displeased with His people, when He sees them grow sluggish and cold toward Him. We must not speak of it with carelessness, nor try to excuse indifference and laziness in ourselves. Indifference is a sin. We must repent, we must be grieved and ashamed for our sin. If we disgrace or slight the Presence of Christ’s glorious grace and Spirit, we must be willing to expect His displeasure.

When believers lose sight of the seriousness of sin, they lose the joy of forgiveness. When some first become a Christian, they have eager passion without knowledge. We ALL must be careful that we now have knowledge but have lost the enthusiasm! BOTH are necessary IF we really want to keep our love for God solid and pristine. We are to shine, as we illuminate the Light of Jesus, no matter who we are, or where we are!
Jesus warned the church at Ephesus that their lights COULD go out, and it would be Jesus Himself would snuff out any light that was not fulfilling its purpose, both then and now! The church then, and now had to repent of its sins!

BEWARE!!! America is showing every one of the heartbreaking Signs of Society that prophetically mark the approaching Day of the Lord. Like Judah of old, our wound appears to be incurable as our nation shuns the God Who blessed us. The signs of our own society offer a cautionary note to those of us who aspire to follow Christ. Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute—choose whether to stay true and follow Him. The Glory of the Lord shall absolutely come, following the unleashing of His terrible swift sword of judgment and wrath.
Are you really ready for what is certain to come?

A revisionist is a person who revises, or favors the revision of some accepted theory or doctrine. Revisionists are heretics, individualistic, rebellious, pro-independence, radical and combative. There are many of these ungodly people all around us. 

It is time that Christians take a firmer stand for our ‘first love’. We do not want to hear Our Lord Jesus tell us Thou hast left thy first love.” When we see historically false editorials or letters-to-the-editor, or when call-in programs make wild charges, we should voice our opinion.
This might provide a chance for those who are undecided about public religious expressions to voice their opinions from truthful information rather than from revisionist trash. The best defense against revisionism is TRUTH! Let us faithfully present the truth, for the Scriptures promise us that the TRUTH will eventually prevail.

AMERICA . . . Do You KNOW the Trouble You Are In?


















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