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WHO are the elect of God?
The “elect of God” are those whom God has predestined to salvation. They are called the “elect” because that word refers to the idea of choosing. God chooses those who will be saved. These are the elect of God. God’s elect, predestination: (Jn.6:44,65; Rom.8:28-30, 33; 9:11,16; 1 Cor.1:26-29; Eph.1:4-5,11-12; Col.3:12; Tit.1:1; 1 Pet.1:2).
The idea of God electing those who will be saved is not debated. What is debatable is how and in what manner God chooses those who will be saved. Throughout church history, there have been two main views on the doctrine of election (or predestination). One opinion, which could be called the prophetic or foreknowledge view, teaches that God, because of His omniscience, knows those who will in the course of time choose of their own free will to place their faith and trust in Jesus Christ for their salvation. On the basis of this divine foreknowledge, God elects these individuals “before the foundation of the world.” God knows His own even before we are born (Ps.139:13). On the other hand, God knows those who will reject Him (Rom.9:13; Mal.1:2-3).
The second opinion is the Augustinian view, which basically teaches that God not only divinely elects those who will have faith in Jesus Christ, but also divinely elects to grant to these individuals the faith to believe in Christ. In other words, God’s election unto salvation is not based on a foreknowledge of an individual’s faith, but is based on the free, sovereign grace of Almighty God. God elects people to salvation, and in time these people will come to faith in Christ because God has elected them.
The difference in these two opinions is this: WHO has the final choice in salvation . . . God or man? In the first view (the prophetic view), man has control; his free will is sovereign and becomes the determining factor in God’s election. God provides the Way of salvation through Jesus Christ, BUT man must choose Christ for himself in order to make salvation real. In the long run, this belief lessens the Biblical understanding of God's sovereignty. This view puts the Creator's provision of salvation at the mercy of man, the creature. IF God wants people in Heaven, He has to hope that man will freely choose His way of salvation. The truth is, the prophetic view of election is no view of election at all, because God is not really choosing—He is only confirming. It is man who is the final chooser.
In the Augustinian view, God has control; He is the one who, in His own sovereign will, freely chooses those whom He will save. God not only elects those whom He will save, but He in fact accomplishes their salvation. Rather than simply making salvation possible, God chooses those whom He will save and then saves them. This view puts God in His proper place as Creator and Sovereign.
The Augustinian view is not without problems. Critics claim that this view robs man of his free will. If God chooses those who will be saved, then what difference does it make for man to believe? Why preach the gospel? Furthermore, if God elects according to His sovereign will, then how can we be responsible for our actions? These are all good questions that need to be answered. A good place to find an answer to these questions is in Romans 9, which is the most in-depth Passage dealing with the sovereignty of God in election.
There are other Passages that also speak on the topic of God’s elect (Jn.6:37-45; Eph.1:3-14). The truth is that God has ordained to redeem a remnant of humanity to salvation. These elect individuals were chosen before the creation of the world, and their salvation is complete in Christ Jesus.
My thoughts on “election.” I truly do believe that God elects (chooses) EVERYONE And I believe that He gives each of us enough faith that we can choose to accept Jesus OR we can cast away that faith and reject Jesus. It is NOT God’s desire that any should perish.
Matthew 18:14 Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. (KJV)
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (KJV)
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WHO Are the Elect?
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What Is Hell Like?
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What Is Heresy?
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What Is Judgment According to Works?
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What Is Postmillennialism?
What Is Predestination? Is It Biblical?
What Is Premillenialism?
What Is Preterism?
What Is Replacement Theology?
What Is the Kingdom of God?
What Is the Millennial Kingdom?
What Is the New Covenant?
What Is Total Depravity?
What Is Trinitarianism?
What Is Universalism?
What Is Unlimited Atonement?
What is . . . WHO are the Elect?
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