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SO Much Falsehood in the World
There are just a meager “few” (Mat.7:14; 22:14) who would deny that America has fallen into unparalleled immorality. WHO is to blame for this? Is it the greedy government? YES! Is it the power-hungry politicians? YES! Is it corrupt Hollywood? YES! Is it the ‘know it all’ liberal media? YES! BUT . . . dear one . . . I also think much lies with false pastors in the pulpits of the nation.
Be Wise, What God States is TRUTH
SO Much Falsehood!
So, Is America a Christisn Nation?
So, Israel KNEW Messiah was Coming
So Much About Satan and His Children
So Much Falsehood Everywhere
So Much Unbelief, Everywhere!
So, What About the Unbelievers?
So, What is God's Ultimate Purpose?
So, WHY Do we Need Truth?
So, WHY Is Israel Hated?
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