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#1. Believe and accept that selfish people have no regard or respect for anyone.
As baffling as it is, you need to realize you are dealing with a SELF person who are concerned with only me, me, me . . . and you must accept the way they are. You cannot change them.
Selfish people eat up the time and energy of others and, no matter what you think, there is absolutely NO end in sight to their bold and brash selfishness, not in this world we now live in.
Here are some things that you need to accept about them, instead of losing your cool and getting frustrated:
– They will NEVER put your needs first.
– They will NEVER be thoughtful and considerate.
– They will ALWAYS look out only for their own interests.
Once you accept these things about them, you will not react negatively when they act selfish . . . because they will act selfish.
And now you can focus on more important ways to deal with them.
#2. Give YOURSELF the attention you know you deserve.
Selfish people only want attention for themselves. But they don’t want to give it and do not want you to have it.
It is useless to try to change a selfish narcissistic person. An arcissist “will only change IF it serves his or her purpose.” Do not let them bug you.
More on one of the Fastest Growing Religions
Bible Statements About Religion
Cult of Selfism Doctrines
Cult of Selfism Has Flooded America's Churches
Cult of Selfism Is a Cult of EVIL
Cult of Selfism is Worship of SELF
How to Deal With a Selfish Person
Is America a Theocracy?
List of Morals for all People
Reasons People Seem Heartless and Indifferent
Selfishness Scriptures
Selfism is Simply and Absolutely Selfishness
Selfism Extremists Do Not Know Where to Stop
Things to Know About Selfish People
Twehty Three Selfish People Traits
WHAT Is a Sociopath?
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